
Bjorn's dominoART

Have fun with 3D dominoes

- a game -

Sorry, this app has been decommissioned.



Have fun with domino effects - create some amazing Domino Art! Publish and collect Likes and make it to the leaderboard for the most advanced layouts.

(hang on, loading the video...)

(more videos on YouTube)

Domino effect

A domino effect [Wikipedia] or chain reaction is the cumulative effect produced when one event sets off a chain of similar events. The domino effect can easily be visualized by placing a row of dominoes upright, each separated by a small distance. Upon pushing the first domino, the next domino in line will be knocked over, and so on, thus firing a linear chain in which each domino's fall is triggered by the domino immediately preceding it.

(click to load video)


Design your domino layout in the Designer tab, test the domino effect in the Animation tab.

Experiment with multiple start dominos, use the Make start and Add as start options in the context menu.

Use the Properties sidebar to change initial force and customize dominos, add skyboxes, configure camera animations and a lot more.

Add more squares to enlarge the board - see the Add square drop down menu.

Make sure to use the context menus (right click) to access most options. For example, to add a new square, click one of the golden square indicators.

A few samples

Go here for more samples.

Domino types

  • Single
  • Line
  • Curve
  • Bridge
  • Staircase upwards
  • Staircase downwards
  • Overpass
  • Chute

Publish and Share

Publish and share your domino layout to Bjorn's Doorways and start to collect Likes.

Bjorn's Doorways

Interactive 3D landing pages for your online content.

Bjorn's Doorways is a web app for viewing and interacting with 3D art - art created with assorted Bjorn's Playground apps and add-ons.

The main purpose of Doorways is to act as a portal (landing page) for online content (e.g. presentations / Google Slide decks).

The user can zoom in, rotate and interact with your 3D art before clicking the optional link that will take him or her to the final destination (e.g. your slideshow).

Hint: in the sample below, you can zoom the camera with SHIFT+mousewheel.


Check out this short YouTube video.


Please report bugs here or reach out 2 me with questions @

Follow me at Instagram @bjornsplayground and check out more videos at my YouTube channel.

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