Bjorn's TEXT-2-GIF
Text 2 GIF converter
- a web app -
Sorry, this app has been decommissioned.
Quickly generate animated GIFs from text.
You feed the app some text and it will generate an animated GIF, breaking the text up in a number of frames.
You can break the text into the following parts (each part becomes a new GIF animation frame)
You can apply a color list as shown in the sample below.
Parts can be shuffled as in this example.
If you break text into characters it might look like this.
You can make the GIF only showing one part at a time like in the image below.
Check out this short YouTube video.
This app is using a feature (create images from HTML markup) that is NOT AVAILABLE in the Safari browser. With that said, you can launch the app in Safari but you can't use this critical feature. Sorry...
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