
Bjorn's 3D Word Clouds

Create 3D word clouds (video, PNG, GIF or Doorways art)

- a web app -

Sorry, this app has been decommissioned.


Create three dimensional "word clouds". Add animations to create eye catching videos. Export as PNG, WEBM (video) or GIF. Publish to Bjorn's Doorways to create unique portal to your presentation, blog or website.

Choose from different layouts - Cloud slab, Cloud slab flat, Box, Column, Column with vertical text, Sphere or 3D text.

Version 3 News

  • Cloud slab layout - turning a standard 2D layout into a 3D scene. Use the various 2D cloud properties to customize your cloud.
  • Min/max animations - highlight the phrases with the highest (lowest) scores with animations (e.g. wobble)
  • Improved UX to select custom images for the ground shape
  • Improved auto-centering of clouds
  • Each phrase can be removed from layout without deleting it - see the "Disabled" column in the Data tab


Important Get Started Info

3D clouds tend to work better for smaller datasets, perhaps 15 to 20 phrases. Use the Filters available in the Properties sidebar to customize your dataset.

Use the mouse and the scroll wheel to change the camera position. You might have to try different angles and distance to get the best result.

You customize the ground shape, look for the "Ground shape" drop down menu in the designer.


You can export a cloud to video, GIF or PNG. To insert a video into a presentation, first create the video and then upload the video to your Gdrive and finally insert the video into the presentation.


Check out some samples below and go here for more.

Cloud slabs layout

Here is a sample PNG using the Cloud Slabs layout. By default the ground is using the 2D version of the cloud.


This example is using a flat version of the slab layout.


Here is another example using a skybox background image.


An example without a ground.


And here is an example with a custom ground image.


Box layout

Here is a sample PNG using the Box layout


A video of rotating boxes.


Column layout

Here is a sample PNG using the Column layout


Column with vertical text layout

And here is a sample PNG using the Column with vertical text layout


Sphere layout

Below is a sample PNG using the Sphere layout


A video of rotating spheres.


3D text layout

Below is a sample PNG using the 3D text layout


A sample video of rotating 3D text.



Check out this short YouTube video.

File system integration

The app is (when installed) integrated with the host file system, i.e. you can use the 'Open with' feature to launch the app for a selected file.

Extensions that can be opened are:

  • .csv
  • .tsv
  • .txt
  • .wordclouds3d
  • .wordclouds3dt

Note that you have to install the app to enable file system integration.

See also

You might also be interested in these other apps or add-ons.

Bjorn's 3D Word Clouds - a Google Docs extension

Create 3D word clouds

Bjorn's Word Cloud Studio - a web app

Design cool word clouds

Bjorn's 3D Word Clouds - a Google Slides extension

Create 3D word clouds

Bjorn's 3D Word Clouds - a Google Sheets extension

Create 3D word clouds

Bjorn's Word Clouds - a Google Sheets extension

Create amazing word clouds

Bjorn's WORD-zones - a web app

Design cool word ZONES


This app is in the TIER-1, a TIER-1 subscription costs $8.95 per month.

You can try the app for 7 days for free.

Note that a TIER-1 subscription covers all TIER-1 products.

There is a 5-user subscription with a great discount, $29.95 per month.

Use Bjorn's Account Manager to buy/manage your subscription.

Use your PayPal account to cancel your subscription.


Please report bugs here or reach out 2 me with questions @

Follow me at Instagram @bjornsplayground and check out more videos at my YouTube channel.

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