Bjorn's Word Clouds
Quickly create word clouds, even animated GIFs
- an Android app -
Sorry, this app has been decommissioned.
Create and quickly share amazing animated word clouds (even as animated GIFs).
Supports various image types - packed circles, tree maps or clouds.
Version 7.3 adds support for doughnut shapes. (YT demo)
Three different doughnuts are supported. You might have to use a quite small font size and many (shorter) phrases to see the difference between the hole types.
You can use the new decorations feature to, for example, add a QR-code in the hole:
Version 7 adds a new feature - "decorations".
Using the new Decorations tab you can now add graphic decorations to you cloud, e.g callouts, textboxes and arrows. (YT demo)
Use this feature to highlight certain phrases or parts: (another YT demo).
When generating animations, you can select to hide the decorations until the last frame. (YT demo)
A new feature has been added to v6 - "cloud shapes". You can now make your cloud fit into a shape like a heart, star, ellipse or triangle. Cloud shapes can either be invisible, just forcing the phrases to be placed inside the shape, or visible with a user controlled fill and stroke colors.
Note that for performance reasons, all phrases might not fit into the picked shape.
Note also that you might not have enough phrases to fill up the desired shape.
Supported shapes:
Another feature added to V6 is font size scaling - you can now apply a font size scale to quickly experiment with different font sizes. Let's say you have set the min font size to 5% of the mage height and the max font size to 15% of image height, the scaling feature allows you to adjust the final sizes by applying a percentage. See the new Formatting drop down menu and the scale up and down options - or use the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keyboard shortcuts for quick access.
Latest version of Bjorn's Word Clouds introduces two new features - the animation tab and web page animations.
The Animation Tab in the designer makes it easy to experiment with animated word clouds and when satisfied export the animation as video, GIF or web page.
You can choose from seven different animations and you can of course control the duration of each frame and how long to freeze the last frame.
You can now export a cloud as an animated video. See the new options in the Export drop down menu.
The video is divided into frames, you control how long a frame is, the default is one second.
The exported video can animate the cloud in six different ways, grouped into two sets, first group using frequencies and second set using coloring schemes.
Animate by frequency:
Highlighting using colors:
You can now store your Bjorn's Word Clouds documents in a personal cloud storage folder, a.k.a your Bjorn's Cloud folder.
The File drop-down menu has an option to save documents to your cloud folder, and of course, you can open documents from the cloud with another option in the same menu.
Word Clouds has a new simple feature for quickly highlighting words or phrases with the highest frequency - you can now enable a "max color" and a "not max color". You can of course leave the "not max color" disabled and all non-max phrases will continue to be colored using a list or a gradient. (YT demo).
New major feature: color gradients. As an alternative to color lists for picking colors for each word/phrase the new version supports gradients. You pick a start and a stop color and the app will compute all colors in-between to give each word frequency a unique color. See this short YT for a quick demo.
Bug fix: The bug with clouds with word specific colors and font styles is now fixed, e.g. you can now assign a custom color to for example the word/phrase with the highest frequency. (This used to work only for for tree maps and packed circles)
The main editor window now has a context menu with hopefully useful options.
The new project dialog has an option to pick recent and popular sizes.
The new project dialog has a list of recently used templates for quicker access.
On customer request data is NOT sorted on import. Instead there is a new "Sort data" option in the Options dropdown menu in the Data tab.
On customer request you can now override project settings for each phrase(word) with a custom setting for Color, Bold and Italic. Check out the new columns in the Data tab.
With the new Color override you can for example color each "positive" phrase with a green color and each "negative" phrase with a red color.
Data import is also updated to support three new optional columns: Color, Bold and Italic.
Note that the colors sidebar has a new option to allow you to quickly assign a color to each selected word in the Data tab.
You can now send a generated word cloud image to the Bjorn's Annotate web app for easy annotations.
Try it! Export image and in the export UX there will be a new option Annotate with the Bjorn's Annotate app. This will open the image in the Annotate app and you can for example add callouts, arrows and text.
You can see this in action in this YT video.
Version 3.15 supports templates. A template specifies the look of a cloud but no data. You an apply a template when you create a new project or later. You can save any project as a template for future use. Templates are stored on your local hard drive with the .wordcloudt extension. This short YT video shows how to apply a template as well as how to create a new template.
Note that the version for Google add-ons do not support templates since Google is not supporting the modern File API for any add-ons.
Word Clouds now supports background images to add a little touch to the clouds. By default the background images are displayed in gray and low opacity to not clutter the cloud (this can of course be easily changed). This version also enables AI generated background images, as seen in this short YouTube video.
Below is a sample cloud video, animating on frequency, revealing frequency by frequency.
Below is a sample animated cloud, animating on frequency, each frame shows words with the same frequency.
This cloud animates each word, from low to high frequency.
There is no dedicated video for this app (yet) but please check out any of these videos for other versions:
Check out these other versions for other platforms.
Please report bugs here or reach out 2 me with questions @
Follow me at Instagram @bjornsplayground and check out more videos at my YouTube channel.
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